Cultivating Change: Program

A Just Transition to a Regenerative Food System  |  November 12 - 18, 2020


Over the week, we will discuss the following topics, among others:

  • Cultivating change in a post-Covid world
  • Supporting Indigenous and Black food sovereignty
  • Championing decent work and justice for workers along the food chain
  • Building resilient local food systems
  • Ensuring everyone is at the policymaking table

Sessions will also be run by partner organizations for a deeper dive on specific aspects of the food system:

More than a typical conference, this event will also have interactive sessions:

  • Q&A with leaders from the food movement
  • Hands-on workshops on issues and approaches
  • Screening of Red Chef Revival, followed by a Q&A with the directors

Attendees will also be invited to interact with each other:

  • With the online Whova messaging board
  • Open spaces: Sign up for self-organized meeting space for an impromptu discussion with attendees from across the country


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