Call for Proposals - 2016 Assembly

Bring the Canadian Food Movement to your Community - Host Food Secure Canada’s Assembly in November 2016

"An amazing and welcoming opportunity to talk to movers and shakers in the Canadian Food Movement. Great work Halifax, including Food ARC at Mount Saint Vincent University, The NS Food Security Network, the Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network and Food Secure Canada! Now we must work together toward a National Food Strategy that is true to the recommendations of the People's Food Policy Project.  We are getting closer. The 2016 Assembly will be even more informative and energizing!"

Susan Roberts, participant at the Halifax Assembly in 2014 and host of the Edmonton Assembly in 2012

In November 2016, we will hold our 9th National Assembly and we are looking for a host organization and community to help make it happen. 

Since 2001, FSC has hosted biennial assemblies bringing people right across the food system to learn together, strengthen our networks, and build our analysis and actions to advance our goals. These vibrant 3-day events include fantastic food, movement leaders, dozens of sessions and tours that highlight local producers, businesses and organizations. You can read about our past assemblies on our website, and our most recent assembly in Halifax which attracted almost 500 people.

Host organizations play a crucial role in shaping the flavor and success of FSC assemblies. They also benefit through increased national profile for their organization and local/regional food issues, as well as strengthened connections to a dynamic network of people across Canada. Their role includes: 

  • working with FSC Board and staff to decide on assembly theme and shape the program;
  • managing local outreach and volunteers;
  • leading local government and media relations;
  • organizing tours of local food initiatives, organizations, and facilitating the trade show;
  • arranging food procurement to support local, sustainable food producers.
  • fundraising and sponsorship from regional and local sources in collaboration with FSC.

The above roles are supported by paid logistic coordination, to be hired jointly by FSC and the host organization. FSC assumes full financial responsibility for the event. 

If you are interested in hosting this exciting event, please submit a 2-3 page proposal including the following:

  • Name(s) of organization(s) that wish to host, the mission and the capacity of the organization(s) to take on this work and who else you would involve.  
  • Why is your community the place for the next FSC assembly?  It could any number of things – the location, the issues being faced locally that need national attention, a fantastic venue, an amazing sponsor, etc.
  • An outline of possible venues in your community that could accommodate 4-500 people including beds (hotels) for at least 250 people.  An estimate of their cost would be helpful (ex.: in 2012 the host organization partnered with a University that provided space for free; in 2014, the Assembly was in a hotel but special arrangements were made on food, bringing down costs and supporting local producers).
  • An outline of the local / regional organizations that may be willing to support the assembly in kind (i.e.: location, staff time, etc.) or financially.

We will select a host organization / community based on: 

  • A demonstrated ability to take on the organization of an event of this size and to build an Assembly that reflects our values:  equitable, healthy, and sustainable;
  • The availability of appropriate space to host the event (big hall to a minimum to 500 people with 8-10 break out rooms plus the proximity of beds for 70% of these people);
  • Strong capacity for local mobilization;
  • A place that the Assembly has not taken place recently;
  • A clear idea of how to start fundraising locally and how to involve local food producers;
  • The issue / campaign that you wish to bring light to using this assembly; and
  • Your enthusiasm!

Check out the report on our last assembly on our website. More details available upon request. 

Please submit you proposal to by April 17th DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MAY 1ST, 2015


You are welcome to call to discuss: 514 271-7352.