WHO classifies glyphosate as "probably carcinogenic to humans"

The world's most widely used pesticide, glyphosate (commonly sold as Roundup), has been under the microscope lately. The International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization released a report in March classifying it as "probably carcinogenic to humans". Not surprisingly, the manufacturer, Monsanto, contests the finding. The two page summary of the IARC’s study on glyphosate and four other organophosphates can be read here. The findings were also published in the Lancet.

Here in Canada, the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network released its own report shining a light on "Where in the world" biotech crops are sown as part of its 2015 Inquiry into GE crops, 20 years since the Canadian government approved the first genetically modified crops in our country. Since "roundup ready" crops dominate the global acreage of genetically engineered crops, the CBAN report helps to highlight the scope and locus of the problem.

More information on glyphosate can be learned on the Pesticide Action Network's website, which also has a handy online and mobile app to check the pesticide load and implications for the food you may be eating.


image credit: Mike Mozart via Creative Commons license


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