Happy World Soil Day!

Happy World Soil Day!

Throughout the week leading up to World Soil Day, we've shared content and news on the fascinating and complex habitat that is soil. If you've been following, we hope you were able to learn something new about the foundation on which your plants feed and thrive!

Here’s a recap of the different soil-related content we posted throughout the week:

Day 1

On Day 1 of our week on soil health, we shared Power of Soil: An Agenda for Change to Benefit Farmers and Climate Resilience — an excellent report produced earlier this year by Ontario Greenbelt and Équiterre

  • This research demonstrates that healthy soils can build thriving and resilient farms that can sustain us all into the future while contributing to climate action. Soil health is a triple win for people, nature and the climate.

Day 2

For day 2, we took a look at the dire effects climate change can have on soil and, as a result, access to food via Human Rights Watch's report: My Fear is Losing Everything: The Climate Crisis and First Nations’ Right to Food in Canada.

  • This report explores how the climate crisis makes it increasingly difficult for Indigenous people to live off the land’s soil.

Day 3

On day 3, we shared the news on the introduction of  Bill C-203 — a bill on respecting soil conservation and soil health.

  • MP MacGregor, who introduced the bill on November 30, 2021, states: “Our soil plays a crucial role in supporting agricultural productivity and in meeting global challenges, including food security and climate change.”

Day 4

We asked, "what soil health vision and policies could ensure climate mitigation goes from goal to reality?" on Day 4 and shared Policy Options' article on the subject: Canada needs a bold new soil-health strategy.

  • With the solid and crucial understanding that policy can turn ambitions into practical action on the ground, Edward McDonnell and Colleen Thorpe explore climate action through soil-health-focused strategies in this article. 

Day 5

On day 5, we decided to spotlight an organization working tirelessly to bring soil issues to the forefront: Régénération Canada.

  • Régénération Canada is an amazing organization that promotes soil health regeneration across the country. 

Day 6

Last but not least, we featured The Conversation's article, Healthy Soil is the Key to Feeding the World, on Day 6. 

  • In this article, Professor of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington David R. Montgomery debunks common farming-related myths, explores what it means to build healthy soil and concludes his article by stating that "once we see through myths of modern agriculture, practices that build soil health become the lens through which to assess strategies for feeding us all over the long haul."