Let's imagine our ideal school food program!

Food Secure Canada (FSC) in partnership with le Collectif de la Table des Écoliers and Breakfast Club Canada is holding three school table talks on school food on May 29th, June 4th and June 17th in order to develop a common vision to improve school food programs. Our goal with these multi-sectoral meetings is to ensure that local and grassroots school food stakeholders, especially the most marginalized, are actively involved in the conversation about universal healthy school food programs in Canada.

We hope to create a consensus around the vision for healthy school food and generate excitement for a movement in favour of universal healthy school food programs.

At the Montreal School Food Table Talk on May 29th FoodShare's Executive Director Debbie Field, a national leader in school food and a pioneer in food security in Canada, will provide an overview of the Toronto school food model.

The school table talks will be great opportunity for everyone to "think outside the lunch box" !


Event dates:

May 29th: "Thinking outside the lunch box" on school food - in Montreal

June 4th: "Thinking outside the lunch box" on school food - among the First Nations, Metis and Inuits

June 17th: "Thinking outside the lunch box" on school food - for the regions of Laval, Monteregie and Lanaudiere (meeting place: Boucherville)


For more information, contact Raïssa Epale : scolaire@alimentationdurable.ca