Bill C-18: Letter to the Honourable Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
7 May 2014
The Honourable Gerry Ritz |
RE: C-18, the Agricultural Growth Act
Dear Minister Ritz,
I write to you on behalf of Food Secure Canada, a national membership-based network of organizations and individuals concerned with zero hunger, healthy and safe food, and sustainable food systems.
We wish to express our concerns regarding the underlying policy orientation of Bill C-18, the Agriculture Growth Act, an ambitious and complex piece of legislation that modifies several other laws. While we applaud the measures to allow the removal of feed or fertilizers unlawfully imported into Canada, we believe that, overall, the proposed changes will further undermine the resilience of our farming sector and, ultimately, our national food sovereignty. We are particularly concerned with the proposed changes to the Plant Breeders’ Rights Act. These changes, if passed, would result in a shift in our obligations under the International Convention for the Protection of new Varieties of Plants, from UPOV ‘78 to UPOV ‘911, which is not obligatory under our international trade agreements. Such a shift is unnecessary and will have a range of consequences that will be felt far beyond the farming sector:
- For millennia, farmers have saved and exchanged seed, a practice that has produced the agricultural biodiversity upon which Canada and the world rely for our food. This practice is, under UPOV ‘91 and this Act, relegated to a “farmers’ privilege” clause that can be rescinded by the government of the day without due public process, and is further restricted by the practice and guidance of UPOV2.
- The so-called farmers’ privilege is rendered almost meaningless by the fact that it only covers the ability to save and condition seed, not to stock it.
- Removing the ability of farmers to exchange and store seeds will further undermine biodiversity and therefore our ability to adapt to climate change. Storing seeds for more than the next season’s planting needs has also protected farms and biodiversity against crop failures.
- Instead of collecting royalties at point of sale of seed, the rights holder can, under UPOV 91, access them at multiple points from seed purchase to harvest and beyond. This will almost certainly mean higher costs for the farmer and greater profit for the rights holder. These costs will be passed along to the Canadian public through higher food prices and through the loss of farmers unable to absorb increased fees into their operations. Claims of cost neutrality for this Bill are likely specious, where the profit is generated for the seed sector and the loss borne by the farmers.
Developing policy and programming that supports Canadian farmers to make a dignified living through domestic and export markets should be a top priority of this government. A shift to UPOV ‘91 will unnecessarily further enshrine private plant breeders rights in law, and in so doing, unwittingly put at risk the dynamism and resilience of the fast growing market for local, organic, bio-diverse and sustainable agriculture. We note that the organic sector alone has tripled in size since 2006, a trend that shows no signs of abating and that warrants government supports3. It is disappointing that the Agricultural Growth Act has nothing of substance in it to support the fastest growing sector of Canadian agriculture. Indeed, there is a growing body of evidence that points to the need for a transition towards agro-ecology4.
Drawing on the Resetting the Table: A People’s Food Policy for Canada, Food Secure Canada urges the government to put in place national food and agricultural policy that provide:
- Seed laws that recognize and protect the contributions that farmers have made for millennia to the development and conservation of plant genetic resources;
- A commitment to not exceeding the requirements of UPOV ‘78;
- The restoration of public research and of extension services to farmers, recognizing that innovation in plant and animal breeding and in management practices has long come from practitioners themselves, namely farmers, as well as through government investment in the public sector;
- Local and regional economic development through the restoration of regional and national infrastructure and mechanisms such as processing, storage, transportation and access to markets;
- Sustainable livelihoods for farmers for generations to come.
While agriculture is primarily a business, it is also inherently linked to the current and future wellbeing of Canadian citizens. As the world celebrates the International Year of Family Farming, there is widespread recognition of the vital role that a resilient agricultural sector plays in political stability, food security and a country’s food sovereignty5. This resilience lies in legislation that is enabling of farmers, not further restricting their rights, embedding additional uncertainty into their business operations, and undermining their wherewithal to be economically viable within the mechanisms of the marketplace, increasingly dominated by a few large players6.
Diana Bronson, Executive Director
Cc: Malcolm Allen, Opposition Critic for Agriculture & Agri-Food
Mark Eyking. Liberal Agriculture & Agri-Food Critic
André Bellavance, Member, Standing Committee of Agriculture and Agri-Food
Elizabeth May, Leader, Green Party of Canada
1. The International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) was established by international convention in 1961. The Convention has undergone several revisions since then, the most recent being in 1991. It currently has 71 member states. Canada is also a signatory to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.
2. See the UPOV, “Explanatory Notes on Exceptions to the Breeder’s Right under the 1991 Act of the UPOV Convention”.
3. See The Canada Organic Trade Association’s November 2013 report: The National Organic Market: Growth, Trends & Opportunities, 2013.
4. See, for instance, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, September 2013 report “Trade and Environment Review 2013: Wake Up Before It Is Too Late, Make Agriculture Truly Sustainable Now for Food Security in a Changing Climate.
5. See the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food Final Report.
6. For example, in the seed sector, the top three seed companies already control over half of the global seed market. See the ETC Group's September 2013 Communiqué Cartel Before the Horse.
For more Information see the Article and Press Release.
Name | Organization |
Aaron Vansintjan | |
Adeline Cohen B | |
Adrienne Levay | University of British Columbia |
Alastaire Henderson | |
Alex Thumm | |
Alexis Reichert | |
Alia Karim | |
Aliesha Desjarlais | |
Alison Rothwell | |
Amanda Comeau | Many Feathers |
Amy Collins | |
Andrea Puric | |
Andrea Zittlau | |
Andrea-Jane Cornell | |
Andrew Hewson | |
Andrew Pollock | |
Angela Brown | |
Angela Heffernan | |
Angela Plant | |
Angele Gamble | |
Anita Carr | |
Anita Green | |
Anna Savelyeva | Centre for Food Policy, City University London |
Anna Weier | |
Anne Catherine Kennedy | |
anne-marie comeau | |
Ashley Schram | |
Ashlin Miranda | Parks Canada |
Audrey-Maud P Tardif | |
Beau Frigault | |
Bob Shorten | |
Brenda Leet | |
Bryan Dale | |
Caileigh McKnight | |
Caili Steel | |
Cameron Bell | |
Carla Bitz | |
carol hutchinson | |
carol lucas | |
Carole Saint-Pierre | |
Carrie Nicols | |
Cassie Wever | |
Catherine Drolet | |
Catherine O'Brien | |
Chantal Lajoie | |
Charles Cousineau | La Table ronde de Saint-Léonard |
Charles-Eugène Bergeron | |
Charlie Nixon | National Farmer's Union |
Charlotte Uhrich | |
Chelsea Papineau | |
Cherry Marshall | |
Cheryl Thomas | |
Chris Hooymans | |
Christie Young | FarmStart |
Christine McKague | |
Clarence-Adolphe Turcotte | |
Colleen Cameron | |
Danielle Collins | |
Danielle Perreault | York University |
David Kirkwood | |
David Carson | |
Dean Harder | |
Debbie Hubbard | |
Debbie Martin | |
Debby Murtagh | |
Denis Erpicum | |
Denis Lemieux | Coopérative de solidarité Hélios |
Diane Arsenijevic | |
Diane Martin | |
Dilya Niezova | |
Dominique Bernier | AmiEs de la Terre de Québec |
Don Ruzicka | |
Donald Kerr | |
Edward Cooke | |
Eleuthera Diconca-Lippert | Action Communiterre |
Élisabeth LeBlanc | |
Elizabeth Howard | |
Elizabeth Laval | |
Emanuelle Jubinville | |
Emily rees | |
Emily Tracewicz | |
Erika Malich | |
Esther Bourgault | |
Fleur Esteron | |
Geoff Smith | |
Geoff Whitlock | |
Georgina Hnatiuk | Health Tree Healing Centre |
Georgina Markov | |
Germaine Coo | |
Glen Casey | |
Harriet Friedmann | |
Helena Hnetka | |
Ildiko Kovacs | |
Imran Hamdad | |
Indra Noyes | |
Ira Heidemann | |
Isobel Mailloux | |
Jacqueline Wolfe | |
Jamie Unwin | Canadian Institute of Planners |
Jan Crawford | |
jane allin | |
Janice Klym | |
Jayne Finn | Sustainable Cobourg |
Jeff Godfrey | |
Jen McGowan | |
Jen McMullen | |
Jennifer Gosley | |
Jennifer Geniole | |
Jessica Rainville | |
Jo-Anne Christie | |
Joanne Butler | |
Joanne Laferriere | |
Jodi Koberinski | Organic Council of Ontario |
Joel Aitken | |
John Callahan | |
John Cowin | |
Johnathon Stewart | CHEP Good Food Inc. |
Jordan MacPhee | |
Josee | |
Joseph Kennedy | |
Judy Adamson | |
Julia Russell | |
Julie Basque | |
Julie Blais | |
Julie Landry | |
Julie Landry-Godin | Réseau d'inclusion communautaire de la Péninsule acadienne Inc. |
Julie Lapointe | |
Julie Yang | |
June Kelegher | |
Justin Cantafio | Ecology Action Centre |
Kate Stenson | |
kathryn rawlings | |
Kathy Mason | |
Kelee Haggarty | |
Kim Fellows | Pollination Canada |
Kira Kastner | Houselink Community Homes |
Kira Kotilla | |
Kristen Smith | |
Ksenia Kay | |
kyla johnson | |
Lara Geinoz | |
Lara Marjerrison | |
Lesia Kinach | |
Lesley Loasby | |
Linda Moore | |
Linda Peers | |
Lisa Ohberg | |
Lisa B | |
Lise Gauvreau | |
lise huppler | |
Louise Capelleburny | |
Luce Beaulieu | |
lysa dubord | |
Lysanne Pinto | |
Magdalena Wasilewska | |
marc campbell | |
Marcia Neumann | |
Mariana Frandsen | |
Marie Josée Lemay | |
Mariel Gauthier-Grégoire | |
Masuda Barak | |
Maude Rioux | |
Maude Robinson | |
Melissa Basque | |
Melissa Ouellet | |
Monica Lacey | |
Nathalie Theriault | |
nathan demeester | |
Nelson Tardif | |
Nicholas McHale | |
Nicole Brooker | |
Nikki Zawadzki | |
Norma MacKellar | |
Patricia Andrew | |
Patricia Renfer | |
Paula Sobie | |
Peter Gallant | |
Pierre Pharand | |
Pierre Vignau | |
Rachel Désilets | |
Raphaele Piche | |
Rebecca Wehner | |
René Audet | |
Richard Brown | |
Ricole Fedyna | |
Robert Moquin | |
Roger Woo | |
Ronald Brown | |
Rosanne Blanchet | |
Salman Banisadr | Concordia University |
Sandy Wallin | |
Sara Binns | |
Sarah Dennis | |
Sarah Goldbaum | |
Sepideh Anvar | |
Shane Hartman | |
Shannon Kamins | |
Shannon O'Connor | |
Stacey Hannem | |
Stefan Kovacs | |
Stella Lord | Community Socieety to End Poverty-Nova Scotia |
Stella Tzintzis | |
Steven Gellman | |
Sue Marshall | |
sylain boucher | |
Tannis Scerbo | |
tara hollas | |
tera demeester | |
Teresa Doyle | Bedlam Records |
Thomas Cairnes | |
Tiffany Mayer | |
tom marcantonio | Imagine a Garden In Every School |
Tonya Hutt | |
Tricia Boonstra | |
Victoria Ho | |
Violet Umanetz | |
Virginia Hutchinson | |
Virginie Lavallée-Picard | Wind Whipped Farm |
wes kmet | |
Yvonne Macor | |
Zsofia Zambo |
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