Resources & Research

On this page you will find a list of resources and research that have been shared on our website, in order of the date they have been posted.

Please share your resources (handbooks, reports, guides, etc.) by logging in to our website and uploading your resource here.

Manitoba on the Menu - Local & Sustainable Food Procurement - A Case Study of Diversity Food Services

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Executive Summary


 In Canada, interest in locally sourced food has become one of the largest movements shaping

consumer food behaviour. Locally sourced meat, seafood and produce, and environmental

Universal SNP Say Yes!

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What is meant by a “Universal Student Nutrition Program”?

More information by reading the article below!


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The benefits of school meal programs are extensive. As was documented in the Toronto District School Board’s Feeding our Future Evaluation Report (Muthuswami, 2012), students who participate in nutrition programs have positive educational and behavioural outcomes. In Ontario, Student Nutrition Programs (SNPs) provide healthy breakfasts, lunches, and snacks in schools.



Innovative school food programs

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Innovative school food programs
Ressource, links and reports
Sustain below...



Innovative programs report; some examples

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Here are examples of reports from some of SKYC’s program partners which display innovative and exemplary program activities and outcomes...

You can also have more information of the different programs by visiting their home website:

Innovative programs report-Show Kids You care!

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Here are examples of reports from some of SKYC’s program partners which display innovative and exemplary program activities and outcomes...

Guiding practices: Highly successful breakfast clubs strive towards meeting the following guiding practices:

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− Offer breakfast every school day*
− Ensure the breakfast club is universal by encouraging the participation of all students*
− Involve leadership from a committed and informed program coordinator and breakfast club committee
− Encourage collaboration with school administration and school staff
− Ensure a system is in place to provide financial accountability and sustainability*
− Include ongoing program evaluation

Successful Breakfast Clubs Overview

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.Welcome and respect every student within the school;
.Operate in an easily-accessible location that is stigma-free and welcoming...

Making it happen! School nutrition success stories

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Because increasing personal fitness and becoming healthier is critical to achieving a better and longer life, President George W. Bush established the HealthierUS initiative. The initiative is designed to help Americans, especially children, improve their overall health by making small adjustments and improvements in the activities of daily life. The President’s HealthierUSinitiative encourages all Americans to:

• Be physically active every day;
• Eat a nutritious diet;
• Get preventive screenings; and
• Make healthy choices.