A Seed Act for Farmers - Not Corporations

Webinar hosted on February 13, 2014 with the National Farmers Union.

Download the Powerpoint slides.

The National Farmers Union (NFU) has a new vision for seed – A Farmers Seed Act – which would ensure that control of seed, the foundation of food sovereignty, stays in the hands of farmers. The new federal omnibus bill, C-18 the Agricultural Growth Act, if passed, will bring Canada under the UPOV ’91 Plant Breeders Rights system which gives vastly greater control over seed to the companies that dominate the seed system. The NFU offered this webinar (1) to help you understand this complex act, (2) to introduce the NFU's Fundamental Principles for Farmers Seed Act and (3) to share information on actions you and your organization can take to Stop Bill C-18.

Have some thoughts about the bill? Take part in our online discussion.


Terry Boehm, Chair of the NFU Seed and Trade Committee.

Terry Boehm served on the NFU Board of Directors for many years as Vice President, and President. He has a keen interest and expertise in intellectual property issues (mainly as they relate to seed), seed legislation and variety registration systems in Canada. Terry farms 4,000 acres with his parents 70 KM south east of Saskatoon, growing wheat, durum, barley, yellow mustard, flax, canola, peas, and lentils. It is a family farm, conventional with some organic acres as well.


Webinar date: 
Thursday, February 13, 2014 - 8:00pm