Literature Review on Community Service Learning and course-based Community Based Research in relation to the “food movement”

The Canadian Alliance for Community Service-Learning defines community service learning (CSL) as an “educational approach that integrates service in the community with intentional learning activities.” To ensure that CSL is not merely an add-on component of a course, Bringle and Hatcher (1996) argue that reflection is a key component of CSL to allow students to “reflect on the service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility” (222). The principles underlying CSL are equality, experiential learning, and community engagement. CSL can be done as an individual or group project and under the supervision of a faculty member and/or the community organization (Andree 2007). Service-learning activities are intended to reinforce classroom content while also providing a beneficial service to the community (McCarthy & Tucker 1999; Bringle & Hatcher 1996; Chupp & Joseph 2010). 

There is very little literature specifically on the development and impacts of campus-community partnerships for the food movement; however, the articles that are available suggest that these partnerships have several of the benefits that have been outlined in the general literature on CBR and CSL. 

This literature review was prepared by Christina Muehlberger, a graduate student in the Department of Political Science, under the guidance of Peter Andrée, Associate Professor at Carleton University.



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