Nunavut Food Security Symposium

In June 2012, the Nunavut Food Security Coalition was established to develop a long term, ongoing, inclusive, and sustainable approach to food security in Nunavut. In January 2013, the Nunavut Food Security Symposium was held in Iqaluit in order to engage a broad group of partners to determine which policies, programs, and initiatives are most likely to improve food security in Nunavut. The symposium brought together 135 people who represented government departments, Inuit associations, NGOs, retailers, HTOs, community-based organizations, and academic institutions. Panel discussions, presentations, and working sessions were built around six themes identified by the Nunavut Food Security Coalition: country food access, market food access, life skills, programs and community initiative, local food production, as well as policy and legislation. After three days of productive dialogue, Nunavut-based partners emerged with priority areas for action on each theme. These priorities will be used to inform the Nunavut Food Security Strategy, which is expected to be announced in spring 2013. An associated implementation plan and evaluation framework will be developed in junction with the strategy to ensure that we continue to do more with what we have so we can increase food security among Nunavummiut. 
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