First issue of Research Bulletin on National Study of Agricultural Land Use Planning launched
The 2014 Research Bulletin Protecting Canada's Farmland: Principles and beneficial practices of integrated agricultural land use planning solutions, is now available (please see attached document).
The purpose of this research is to examine how the changing role and value of agriculture within Canadian society today might affect agricultural land use planning within and across national, provincial, and local jurisdictions. The aim is to formulate policy recommendations for agricultural land use planning across Canada that help to conserve farmland and promote farming as the highest and best use of these lands. This project is a three-year study with nine researchers from six universities across Canada and funded by a SSHRC Insight Grant. Please do not hesitate to share this research bulletin or contact team members if you have any interest or questions about the work.
You can also find out more about the research, by visiting the project website.
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