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Webinar: Lessons from an evaluation of community-university partnerships in the Regina Community Food Assessment

Hosted by Food Secure Canada and CFICE


Join us to hear about the lessons learned in a collaboration between the University of Regina Community Research Unit, Regina- Qu’Appelle Health Region, and REACH, Regina Education and Action on Child Hunger. They are undertook a participatory, community-led community food assessment while evaluating their own partnership in the process. The community food assessment considers through research the strengths, challenges, gaps and actions areas for the food system in Regina, Saskatchewan. Throughout this project, two levels of community – university involvement were considered.

Throughout this project, two levels of community – university involvement were considered – a role with academic professionals in the completion of an environmental scan, and the role of university based organizations such as community research unit designed to connect community groups with University of Regina faculty and students to find answers to questions through research & collaboration. The Webinar will review the process, outcomes, successes and challenges of engaging organizations and individuals from outside community-based organizations and the importance of establishing a structure, process and communication tools that attends to key differences in operational environments in the private and non-profit sector and in this case the University.

Presenting on behalf of the community food systems steering committee are Tracy Sanden, Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region and Naomi Beingessner with Community Research Unit, University of Regina.

The full evaluation report can be found here. For more information on the community food assessment and partners, click here.

This webinar is part of a series offered through a collaboration between Food Secure Canada and Carleton University on the Community Food Security Hub of the CFICE project (Community First: Impacts of Community Engagement).
Webinar date: 
Mardi, 4 novembre, 2014 - 13:00