Annotated Bibliography on Structural Racism Present in the U.S. Food System: Fifth Edition

This annotated bibliography provides current research and outreach on structural racism in the U.S. food system for the food system practitioner, researcher, and educator. Structural racism in the United States has been defined as the “normalization and legitimization of an array of dynamics—historical, cultural, institutional, and interpersonal—that routinely advantage whites while producing cumulative and chronic outcomes for people of color.”
This resources identifies literature that links the social construction of whiteness and its intentional or consequential impact on structural racism within the United States’ local food movement. It is focused on recent peer-reviewed and gray literature* materials that are national, regional, and local in scope that included significant references. The fifth edition contains 9 videos and 47 new citations.
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This publication is authored by:
- Anel Guel, Former Graduate Student, MSU Department of Community Sustainability
- Jane Henderson, 2016 Summer Research Opportunities Program Intern at MSU
- Rachel Kelly, Program Coordinator, MSU Center for Regional Food Systems, Department of Community Sustainability
- Emmetra Nelson, Undergraduate Researcher, MSU Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Education
- Rich Pirog, Director, MSU Center for Regional Food Systems, Department of Community Sustainability
- Kelsey Watson, Undergraduate Student, MSU Environmental Studies and Sustainability
- Kyeesha Wilcox, 2017 Summer Research Opportunities Program Intern, Middle Tennessee State University
- Taylor Wimberg, Former Graduate Student, MSU Department of Community Sustainability
To share feedback or suggest a resource for the next edition of this publication, please contact Rich Pirog at
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