Réseau pour une alimentation locale durable - contenu

Webinar: Building Relationships

The key to influencing local, sustainable procurement at institutions.
Hosted by Food Secure Canada.

Small Group break out work at the November 2013 Network meeting

Agriculture familiale : entre tradition et modernité

Selon l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’agriculture et l’alimentation, l’agriculture familiale comporte plusieurs caractéristiques. Sans considérer la taille de l’entreprise, sa définition est fondée sur une prise de décision familiale et sur le fait que la majorité du capital doit provenir et être contrôlé par la famille.

Favoriser l’achat local : les fruits et légumes du Québec au menu

Le réseau des services alimentaires, c’est-à-dire les hôtels, les restaurants et les institutions publiques (HRI), représente un marché prometteur pour les produits du Québec, notamment pour les fruits et légumes. 


Climate change 'already affecting food supply' – UN

Climate change has already cut into the global food supply and is fuelling wars and natural disasters, but governments are unprepared to protect those most at risk, according to a report from the UN's climate science panel.

Household Food Insecurity in Canada

On January 16th, 300 people from across Canada participated in a webinar on what national household survey data can reveal and possible priority actions.

Une Loi sur les semences faite pour les agriculteurs – non les sociétés corporatives.

Wébinaire (en anglais) présenté par le National Farmers Union le 13 février 2014

A Seed Act for Farmers - Not Corporations

On February 13th, 67 people from across Canada participated in a webinar hosted by the National Farmers Union, to dive into the complexities of the Agricultural Growth Act (Bill C-18).

Meeting plenary

Subvention de mentorat et d'expertise

La Fondation de la famille J.W. McConnell offre une subvention de mentorat et d'expertise aux organismes sans but lucratif, aux organismes caritatifs, aux coopératives et aux entreprises. Ceci accroît le Camp de formation intensif en agroalimentaire. Pour plus d'informations concernant le programme de subvention, cliquez ici.



Business Coaching Fund announcement

The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation has established a fund to support business coaching for local and sustainable food systems businesses. The coaching is intended to build on the information available through the Business Bootcamp series, a partnership between Food Secure Canada and The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation.  More information on fund eligibility and criteria can be found here.

Food Business Bootcamp Webinars

Are you a business owner or contemplating getting involved in a Food Business? With support from The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, the Local & Sustainable Food Systems Network of Food Secure Canada is hosting a Food Business Bootcamp. It is being delivered through a series of webinars and one in-person meeting. Full details of the curriculum and dates can be downloaded here. Past webinar recordings can be found below (scroll down).

Running September 2014 through early 2015, the Business Bootcamp webinars will focus on Operations Planning.

Changing How Campuses Learn and Eat through Coursework

Presented in collaboration with the Campus Food Systems project, a joint Meal Exchange and Sierra Youth Coalition initiative.
This webinar, held on October 8th, explored how to create, support and integrate student learning into food systems change on campus and in communities.
