Cercle autochtone -

The Costs of Local Food Procurement in Two Northern Indigenous Communities in Canada

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Shinjini Pal, François Haman, Michael A. Robidoux 
Food and Foodways, Volume 21, Issue 2, 2013

Author Abstract

2014 Nunavut Food Price Survey: Comparison Chart

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Nunavut community prices are determined by calculating the average cost based on size in all stores for each community. Items are not separated by brand names. The survey was prepared by the Nunavut Bureau of Statistics and Statistics Canada. Not all items from from the Canada Food Price Basket are included due to a lack of comparable data in Nunavut.

2013 Nunavut Food Price Survey: Sample Food Basket

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The food basket was developed by choosing 28 random items from the survey, which reported reliable results across all communities. This is by no means an official basket, but rather a sufficient tool for overall price comparison between communities.


2013 Nunavut Food Price Survey

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In March and April 2013, a pilot food price survey was conducted across 11 Nunavut communities (10 of which returned usable data). In a comparison of 28 combined food items, Iqaluit has the lowest overall food cost in the territory at $216.21. Gjoa Haven is the highest of the communities surveyed at $255.58 - 18% higher than Iqaluit.

2014 Nunavut Food Price Survey

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In March 2014, a food price survey was conducted across all 25 Nunavut communities. 133 items, which included 18 non-food items, were surveyed by Government Liaison Officers in each community. All 25 communities returned usable data. 

The Nunavut Bureau of Statistics will release a series of community level food price data tables in the upcoming months. The first data table released compares 33 Nunavut food prices to those recorded in the monthly CPI Food Price Basket, prepared by Statistics Canada.


Nunavut Food Security Symposium

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In June 2012, the Nunavut Food Security Coalition was established to develop a long term, ongoing, inclusive, and sustainable approach to food security in Nunavut. In January 2013, the Nunavut Food Security Symposium was held in Iqaluit in order to engage a broad group of partners to determine which policies, programs, and initiatives are most likely to improve food security in Nunavut.

Nunavut Food Security Coalition: Annual Report 2013-14

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In March and April 2013, the Pilot Nunavut Food Price Survey was conducted in 11 communities representing all three regions in Nunavut. The purpose 

Nunavut Food Security Coalition: Annual Report 2012-13

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From the local to the international scale, 2012-2013 brought much attention to the critical issue of food insecurity in Nunavut.

Stratégie et Plan d’Action sur la Sécurité Alimentaire du Nunavut 2014-16

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Grâce à la stratégie de sécurité alimentaire du Nunavut, le Nunavut alimentaire Security Coalition s'efforcera de répondre à bon nombre des principaux déterminants de la sécurité alimentaire à travers un large éventail d'initiatives, de programmes et de politiques. 

Nunavut Food Security and Action Plan 2014-16

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Through the Nunavut Food Security Strategy, the Nunavut Food Security Coalition will seek to address many of the key determinants of food security through a wide range of initiatives, programs, and policies.

The Coalition has identified six key themes around which the Nunavut Food Security Strategy is structured: Country Food, Store-Bought Food, Local Food Production, Life Skills, Programs and Community Initiative, as well as Policy and Legislation.

Nunavut Food Security and Action Plan 2014-16

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An assessment of food insecurity and subsequent recommendations drafted by the Nunavut Food Security Coalition.

Food Security in Nunavet: A Knowledge Sharing Tool for Policy- and Decision-makers

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Food Security has been raised as a priority issue to Qaujigiartiit Arctic Health Research Network Nunavut (AHRN) by board members and by Nunavut community members. Policy- and decision-makers are essential to determining focus and effecting change on this important topic.

Hunger in the Arctic: Food (in)security in Inuit communities

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This discussion paper provides an initial overview of some of the issues concerning Inuit food security.

Cross Canada Cooks: Nunavut

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Celebrating the rich food culture, the people and untouched landscape of our country's newest territory: Nunavut.

La sécurité alimentaire des populations autochtones dans le Nord du Canada : Évaluation de l’état des connaissances

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Quel est l’état des connaissances à propos des facteurs qui influent sur la sécurité alimentaire dans le Nord du Canada, ainsi que des incidences de l’insécurité alimentaire sur la santé des populations autochtones du Nord?

Database of Northern or Remote Food

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This is database of organizations, initiatives and resources on Northern or Remote food issues.  It is largely focused on the Territories.

Food Secure Canada completed this work in collaboration with members of the Northern and Remote Food Network.

Food Security Activities in Inuit Communities

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Published June 2012

The food security knowledge-sharing project of the Inuit Tuttarvingat of the National Aboriginal Health Organization (NAHO) aims to share information and practices from programs that contribute to food security in Inuit communities.