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[New Book] Everyday Experts: How Peoples Knowledge Can Transform the Food System

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We face a series of national and global food-related crises. In the UK and in many parts of the world there are record levels of obesity, while there are also rising numbers experiencing malnutrition, including some of those who are obese. A UK government minister says our soils may only last another thirty years because of their mismanagement.

First issue of ​Research Bulletin on National Study of Agricultural Land Use Planning launched

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 The 2014 Research Bulletin Protecting Canada's Farmland: Principles and beneficial practices of integrated agricultural land use planning solutions, is now available (please see attached document).

Opportuntiy: Adjunct Positions Open with Food Systems and Society at Marylhurst University

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Marylhurst University’s Master of Science in Food Systems and Society program is looking for experienced instructors to develop and teach online elective courses in the following areas for the 2014-2015 academic year: ​ 
  • Food and Public Health
  • Global Food Politics and/or Social/Food Movements
  • Food and Labor
  • Food and Gender

Call for Chapter Proposals - Learning and Food in a Changing World

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Working Title: Learning and Food in a Changing World 
Deadline to submit proposals: August 31, 2014

Community - Academic Research Partnership: A Key Recipe for Food Security

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Our experiences suggest that a community-academic research partnership is a key food security recipe to bring to the table. Our premise for this partnership is that the research knowledge gained helps the community build confidence to act on food security issues. This confidence for action arises because in the process of building a partnership we strengthen trusting relationships, increase the density of social networks, and shared community norms and sanctions (Kawachi, et. al., 1999; Coleman, 1988; Freudenberg, 1986).

Literature Review on Community Service Learning and course-based Community Based Research in relation to the “food movement”

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The Canadian Alliance for Community Service-Learning defines community service learning (CSL) as an “educational approach that integrates service in the community with intentional learning activities.” To ensure that CSL is not merely an add-on component of a course, Bringle and Hatcher (1996) argue that reflection is a key component of CSL to allow students to “reflect on the service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and an enhanced sense of civic responsibi

Hubs of knowledge creation

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Exploring the Potential for Knowledge Co-Generation Within the Post-Secondary Academy