Groups including Food Secure Canada Call for an Apology to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food

Food Secure Canada along with over 100 organizations and numerous well respected Canadians (PDF, 105KB) have written to Prime Minister Stephen Harper expressing deep concern about the government’s treatment of Olivier de Schutter, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, during his mission to Canada earlier this month.

De Schutter was undiplomatically dismissed by several Government ministers at the end of his official mission to Canada after he expressed concerns about the government’s failure to address widespread hunger in so affluent a country as Canada.  The government’s response “trivializes the evident and continuing food and poverty-related human rights challenges faced daily by hundreds of thousands of Canadians,” said Diana Bronson, Executive Director of Food Secure Canada. “We should be seriously looking at how to implement the recommendations in De Schutter’s report, not dismissing them.”

Read the press release (PDF, 1.3MB) and the full text of the letter and list of signatures here (PDF, 105KB).

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