Food Justice -

Anti-Racist Training Resources

Web Link

Challenging oneself to be immersed in a training environment focused on expanding our understanding of the role of race in our society is a rare and healthy impulse. It is important to recognize that no single solution exists to the complex, deep-rooted problems of racial and ethnic oppression.  Each training resource program offers a unique and compelling approach. Any program one chooses to participate in is just the first step in an enduring commitment to racial equity and inclusion.

Food Banks Canada

Web Link

Food Banks Canada is the national charitable organization representing and supporting the food bank community across Canada. Food Banks Canada strives to meet the short-term need for food, and find long-term solutions to hunger in order to reduce the need for food banks and emergency food services in Canada.

Seed Map

Web Link is an online portal that connects you to information and resources on seeds, biodiversity, and food. The heart of is the interactive Seed Map, which will let you navigate and “visit” close to 500 locations around the world, featuring case studies, stories and audio-visual resources that bring the issues to life.

Behind the Brands: On Food Justice, Oxfam Gives Coca-Cola, Kellogg’s, Nestlé & Pepsi Failing Grades

Web Link

Oxfam has released a comprehensive report that measures how the world’s 10 largest food companies perform on food justice issues.

Shaking the Tree Radio


Shaking the Tree Radio hopes to bring forward issues of social, environmental, and food justice, provide a forum for marginalized voices to be heard on issues important to them, and highlight the work of students and community partners of the Environmental Conservation Lab. Hosted each week on UMFM by Stef McLachlan and Troy Stozek, the show has already covered issues ranging from the Copenhagen conference to fair trade.

Individual and Food Security in Canada Position of Dietitians of Canada

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The position of Dietitians of Canada (DC) is that all Canadians must have food security. Recognizing food security as a social determinant of health, DC recommends a population health approach to food security: that is, an approach that seeks to reduce health inequities through the pursuit of social justice. A population health approach addresses the root cause of individual and household food insecurity – poverty – through improvements to the social safety net. More information at:

Household Food Insecurity in Canada: Overview

Web Link

Health Canada plays a leading role in monitoring key food and nutrition indicators, including household food insecurity. Understanding the patterns of household food insecurity in Canada over time is helpful in developing and assessing the impact of policies and programs related to food security.

Just Food Art

Web Link

In 2010, 18 artists from Canada and around the world were asked to interpret the meaning of the human right to food, especially as it relates to hunger in our world. As inspiration for their works of art, they were each given a statement (from United Nations documents, for example), together with a biblical scripture passage related to food and hunger. Each artist submitted two pieces of art which were then sent to Winnipeg, Canada. The result is the Just Food art exhibit, which toured across Canada for two years.

Eco-queer movement(s) Challenging heteronormative space through (re)imagining nature and food

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In an era of ecological degradation and sexual inequality it has become increasingly clear that these problems are complex. The complexity arises from the intersecting   contributions of our institutions, cultures, collective imaginations, personal cognitive processes and ecological systems. At the same time, there is growing recognition among activists and scholars fighting for sustainable and socially just alternatives that nuanced analyses of society and nature’s interrelatedness is needed.

Farmers, Food, Justice and the Agrarian Question

As activists and scholar-practitioners from around the world gathered in New Haven, Connecticut last weekend at the Food Sovereignty conference to debate the future of the world food system, it is obvious that the planet faces a systemic global subsistence crisis: almost a billion people chronically malnourished, another billion people always unsure from where their next meal will come, 500 million that are clinically obese, and 1.5 billion people that are overweight.

"Food Deserts" Resources and Information from the Canadian Environmental Health Atlas

Web Link

Many Canadians live in “food deserts”: neighbourhoods where residents have little or no access to stores and restaurants that provide healthy
and affordable foods. Geographical constraints will inevitably impact our dietary choices and, ultimately, our likelihood of developing obesity or a chronic disease.

Rapporteur spécial sur le droit à l’alimentation, Olivier De Schutter

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Le Rapporteur spécial présente l’agroécologie comme un mode de développement agricole qui n’entretient pas seulement des liens conceptuels solides avec le droit à l’alimentation mais qui a aussi produit des résultats avérés, permettant d’accomplir des progrès rapides dans la concrétisation de ce droit fondamental pour de nombreux groupes vulnérables dans différents pays et environnements.

Agroecology and the Right to Food

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Based on an extensive review of recent scientific literature, the report demonstrates that agroecology, if sufficiently supported, can double food production in entire regions within 10 years while mitigating climate change and alleviating rural poverty.

Agroécologie et droit à l'alimentation

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Le Rapporteur spécial présente l’agroécologie comme un mode de développement agricole qui n’entretient pas seulement des liens conceptuels solides avec le droit à l’alimentation mais qui a aussi produit des résultats avérés, permettant d’accomplir des progrès rapides dans la concrétisation de ce droit fondamental pour de nombreux groupes vulnérables dans différents pays et environnements.

Report submitted by the Special Rapporteur Right to Food

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Based on an extensive review of recent scientific literature, the report demonstrates that agroecology, if sufficiently supported, can double food production in entire regions within 10 years while mitigating climate change and alleviating rural poverty.

Sneak Preview: Vital Signs 2013 Report on Food


Watch the recording, held on September 30th!

Every year, Community Foundations of Canada release their 'Vital Signs'. The report measures the vitality of communities in key areas, providing critical information that can identify opportunities for action and set priorities for change. This year, the national focus is on Food.

Put Food in the Budget!

 A presentation and a conversation about the 2013 Federal Budget, the Alternative Federal Budget and how we can Put Food in the Budget, held on March 20th!


2013 Food and Farm Justice Consultation

From March 8-10, 2013, FSC joined 50 organizations from Canada and the USA for a consultation on food justice.
