BC Agriculture: Climate Change Adaptation, Risk + Opportunity Assessment

The 2012 report entitled BC Agriculture: Climate Change Adaptation, Risk + Opportunity Assessment provides a high level overview of the implications of climate chang for the BC agriculture sector, including the key areas of risk and opportunity and the factors that will influence the industry's ability to adapte and thrive. It will provide a baseline assessment of the potential impacts of climate change across the province for the agriculture sector. The report is part of the larger BC Agriculture & Food Climate Action Initiative of the BC Agriculture Council that has as project objectives to:

  • increase knowledge / understanding of the potential impacts of climate change within the agricultural regions of the province;
  • identify vulnerabilities, adaptive strategeis, risks and opportunities;
  • document past, present and planned farm activities that assist farmers to manage climate change variations;
  • identify gaps in the information and resources available to support the agriculture sector; and 
  • maximize opportunities to align with related research and activity in the province.
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