Bits and Bytes December 2013


Bits and Bytes  december 2013

News from the Food Movement



About 70 keen Food Secure Canada members crammed into the upstairs of Santropol Roulant for our AGM on November 27, which had an ambitious agenda with some pretty big changes for Food Secure Canada, including a new Board of Directors!

Read all about it.

Festival of good food ideas

Well over 300 community food activists/organizations gathered over good food to share challenges, successes and outstanding accomplishments in building an equitable, local and healthy food system. This event took plate at l’Espace La Fontaine, the non-profit bistro & gallery in the heart of Parc La Fontaine.

Read more.

Well over 300 community food activists/organizations gathered over good food to share challenges, successes and outstanding accomplishments in building an equitable, local and healthy food system. This event took plate at l’Espace La Fontaine, the non-profit bistro & gallery in the heart of Parc La Fontaine - See more at:

FSC at Carleton panel on national food policy

The Carleton Initiative for Parliamentary and Diplomatic Engagement hosted a lively debate on International Human Rights Day:  Does Canada Need a National Food Policy.  Diana Bronson from FSC was on a panel with Michael Bloom from the Conference Board of Canada, Ron Bennett from the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, Terry Audla from Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK). Check out the coverage in the Ottawa Citizen here. We may not all agree on the details, but we all agree that we need a national policy or strategy on food!

Local & Sustainable Network Meetings

More than 60 people converged on Montreal for the second annual meeting of the Local Sustainable Food Systems Network. 

Participants enjoyed a farm tour, business trainings and 2 engaging webinars on trade and policy. Read up and get involved.

More than 60 people converged on Montreal for the second annual meeting of the Local Sustainable Food Systems Network. - See more at:

Children & Food Network Meeting

Representatives of 22 organizations from across Canada met November 26-27 for the first face-to-face meeting of FSC’s newest initiative – Raising the Bar on Student Food Programs.   Read up about this meeting and get involved.

Upcoming Events

Household food insecurity in Canada: an update from Proof research program

January 16 2014, 1-2pm EST. Webinar

Come learn about PROOF a 5-year program of research to identify policy options to reduce household food insecurity with Valerie Tarasuk and Catherine Mae. Sign up now.

food secure canada assembly

November 13-16 2014. Halifax, NS

Hosted by the Food Action Research Centre (FoodARC) and the Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network (ACORN), with support from the NS Food Security Network. Optional: Come early and attend the ACORN annual conference, Nov 12-14, 2014.

See full events calendar

Support FSC!

Without you, Food Secure Canada would not be able to do its work.

Donate now or get your loved ones to join FSC and let's continue to build a just, sustainable and healthy food system for all together.


