CFS negotiations on RAI
To Canadian negotiators on the RAI Principles:
Food Secure Canada, a national membership-based network of organizations and individuals, works across Canada to advance food security and food sovereignty through three inter-locking goals: zero hunger, healthy and safe food, and sustainable food systems.
As such, we take great interest in the proceedings of the Committee on World Food Security, and its inclusive governance approach to food and agriculture. The CFS negotiations on RAI are a key instrument for the global community to work together to ensure that investment in agriculture remains responsible, by enhancing food security and the full participation of those who are the largest investors in agriculture: Smallholder farmers and food producers.
As you negotiate the RAI Principles First Draft this week, we urge you to act in the full interest of smallholder farmers and producers, and especially to maintain the text related to Free, Prior and Informed Consent for as it relates to indigenous peoples and local communities in the text.
Food Secure Canada
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