Webinar: Nutrition Labelling for Public Health Impact

Hosted by: Center for Science in the Public Interest

THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2015 FROM 1:00 PM TO 4:00 PM

Topics will include:

* Health Canada's proposals for reforming nutrition labelling (and a contrast to the US FDA proposals),
* leading health-based front-of-pack labelling schemes,
* the implications of WTO/Codex Alimentarius standards for national nutrition labelling regulations,
* an interactive simulation exercise, and
* a progress report on Ontario's Bill 45 concerning nutrition labelling on restaurant menus.

There will be limited opportunities for in-person participation at CSPI's offices in Ottawa. Please register first, then email Bill Jeffery at bjeffery@cspinet.org if you are based in Ottawa and would like to attend in person. For other questions contact Natalee Cappello at ncappello@cspinet.org or call 613-244-7337 (ext. 2).


Webinar date: 
Thursday, April 23, 2015 - 1:00pm to 4:00pm


Great webinar series, thank you! The speakers were very dynamic and there was such a variety of interesting information provided. Will the slides be made available at some point?

Thank you in advance,


Attending such webinars are really helpful to make people aware of the importance of health care and the current health status in our country. here will be limited opportunities for in-person participation at CSPI's offices in Ottawa, so it is better to get registered asap. Tablet PC Wholesale