Resetting the Table, Food Secure Canada’s 10th Assembly, Montreal

Hosted by the Concordia Food Coalition and Concordia University
November 1 - 4, 2018 in Montreal
Put the date in your calendar for Canada’s largest and most vibrant food gathering, Food Secure Canada's Assembly, which will be hosted November 1 - 4, 2018 in Montreal, one of the best food cities in the world!
Resetting the Table, FSC's 10th Assembly, will bring together Canada’s brightest food thinkers and most innovative organizations to share and develop practical solutions to national and global issues related to food - climate, equity, health and sustainability. We are excited to partner with our Assembly hosts the Concordia Food Coalition and Concordia University, leaders in the student food movement and campus sustainability. As always a rich program of tours, plenaries, and workshops will offer great opportunities for learning and networking.