FSC members' webinar: What's next for food policy?


After fifteen years of advocacy, the federal government is preparing A Food Policy For Canada.

FSC members and friends were very active during the consultation period, organizing community conversations, preparing policy briefings, offering expert witness to the parliamentary committee and co-convening a multi-stakeholder proposal on governance.

Now, in December 2017, the government is reporting back on ‘What We Heard” and so has the House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food. So far, there are encouraging signs that two key demands from the food movement - the Right to Food and an inclusive Governance mechanism (eg a National Food Policy Council) - will be included.

    Presenters to be confirmed in January


    With A Food Policy For Canada set to be announced in May 2018, join this FSC members webinar to stay informed and involved.

    We will present and discuss:

    • What the latest report backs from the public and expert consultations tell us
    • Briefings on the Right to Food and Governance
    • What we have heard about progress, sticking points and pressure points
    • Ideas for how FSC and its members can work together in the coming months


    Webinar details:

    Wednesday January 17th, 2018 12:30 – 1:30 pm Eastern : Register here


    If you are not already a member of Food Secure Canada and want to join this webinar: Join us now!


    Webinar date: 
    Wednesday, January 17, 2018 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm