Upcoming Events

There are some exciting events coming up across the country and online and we'd love youth to be involved. 

Bring Food Home: Sustain Ontario conference Nov 17-19, Windsor, Ontario

Bring Food Home is a biennial conference that connects individuals and organizations who are working towards a sustainable food system. It includes workshops, new farmer training, keynote speakers and a feast of local flavours.


How to Feed 9 Billion on a Small Planet: USC event Nov 19, Ottawa (with live webcast 7-9 EST)

Miguel Altieri from the University of California (Berkeley) – a widely published, leading authority on agro-ecology – will speak on ecological agriculture as a key solution to food insecurity, hunger, and climate change, later in November.

He’ll be joined by panelists

  • Jean-Martin Fortier, farmer and author of Le jardinier maraîcher(coming soon in English as The Market Gardener), and
  • Sarah Archibald of the Meal Exchange and Sierra Youth Coaltion Campus Food Project


Food Secure Canada events and AGM, Montreal

  • November 25-27
    The Local & Sustainable Food Systems Network meeting including Business Bootcamp series (25th, morning 26th), focusing on financing, business structures and managing operations and growth – relevant for both food business entrepreneurs and some civil society organizations.
  • November 26-27
    Children & Food Network Raising the Bar on Student Nutrition will gather for 1.5 days starting on Nov 26th to further advance the national effort to put in place a national and universal student food program.
  • November 26
    An evening event in Montreal with local food movement actors and food leaders from across Canada
  • November 27 (morning)
    Some meetings and Policy Activity for all:  How to Increase our Impact:
    details forthcoming soon
  • November 27 (afternoon)
    Food Secure Canada Annual General Meeting.


Growing Resistance: National Farmers Union 44th Convention Nov 28-30, Ottawa

This convention will feature a workshop with Joan Kuyek (Nov 27th), guest speakers and panelists including a keynote byJim Stanford, a farmer's lobby on the hill, NFU democratic processes of elections and policy making, and opportunities for youth to engage, connect and take part in growing resistance.  Youth participation is strongly encouraged, to make the event more accessible to young farmers and food activists:

-Youth ages 14-25 can attend convention for free, and

-Youth up to the age of 35 have the option of staying in subsidized group accommodation for $10 a night (for info/sign up contact alexchisholmfletcher@gmail.com  or cammie@waldegrave.org)


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