Certified Organic Associations of BC 2017 Conference

Join us in Nanaimo at the Coast Bastion Hotel for our next annual conference. 2017's theme is "Relationships in Transition: Land, Livestock, Waterways, and Community." We will have sessions for producers from small and large, processors looking to reach the wholesale market, livestock health and welfare. This year we will host a roundtable discussion sharing cross-cultural perspectives on Indigenous foods.

Our Keynote Presenter: Nicholas Peterson

Nicholas will be helping to create meaning and value in our relationships with everything around us. He will speak to why these connections are crucial for true sustainability and will share the practices he and his family use to strengthen, deepen and develop connection. Nicholas’s experiences and stories will come from the lens of a husband and father, farmer, and First Nation's leader. Nicholas believes we as farmers play a vital role in restoring relationships across humanity, as we teach others and offer intimate experiences with food.

Other highlights: Friday we are offering an Organic Certification 101 Workshop & Sustain BC Seminar with BCFSN and the Real Estate Foundation. The BC Eco Seed Co-op and the UBC Farm Seed Hub will be co-hosting a Saturday seed swap and the Young Agrarians also will be hosting a Mixer.



Fri, 2017/02/24 - 9:00am to Sun, 2017/02/26 - 1:00pm