ETV Webinar : Advocacy and federal priorities

Webinar on effective advocacy with your MP and mandate letters
January 29, 12:00pm EST
Now that the election is over, what's next?
With MPs settling in and the mandate letters released in December, now is an important time to continue building your relationship with your federal MP and advocating for a healthier, more just and more sustainable food system for all.
Not sure how to approach your MP and share your community's priorities? We've talked to MPs from across the political spectrum and we will share their top tips for advocacy with your local MP.
And what should you talk about? We've combed through the 30+ federal mandate letters and will be breaking down what you need to know. These letters were released by Prime Minister Trudeau at the end of 2019, and they signal his government's plans, providing important insight into where it is strategic to advocate on specific food issues.
Click here for a copy of the slides
Click here for the candidate analysis
The webinar was hosted in english, participants could express themselves in english or french.