Webinar: From Bland to Delicious - Spicing Up Evaluation
Hosted by: Sustain Ontario
OCTOBER 15th FROM 1:00 TO 2:30 PM
Join us for a free webinar on Thursday, October 15th from 1:00-2:30pm to discuss the myths, needs, benefits and diverse perspectives on evaluation practices for community food initiatives. The webinar will also provide an overview of a joint project focused on evaluation that Sustain Ontario and FoodShare Toronto have engaged Eco-Ethonomics to undertake. The project underway is to scan, document, develop and provide publicly available evaluation tools and resources to enhance the capacity of the food sector in Ontario. Webinar registrants will be invited to engage in an open discussion on their evaluation practices, intended outcomes, and help to identify tools and resources that would be most useful when conducting evaluations.
Who’s coming?
Join facilitators Ryan Turnbull and Areeta Bridgemohan from Eco-Ethonomics Inc., a social innovation and sustainability consulting firm. We encourage grant recipients and funders of community food initiatives in Ontario to join us for this in-depth discussion. We welcome non-profit staff, entrepreneurs, food producers/processors/distributors/buyers, government staff, students, volunteers, professional evaluators and funders.