Webinar: Setting the table for success - increasing local food purchasing by institutions

Tuesday, February 9th 2016, from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM EST
Hosted by : Farm to Institution New England

How can we get more local and regional food into schools, colleges and hospitals? The process often involves many different parties and steps to navigate. This webinar will provide an orientation to “Setting the Table for Success: Increasing Local Food Purchasing by Institutional Food Service Management,” a brand new toolkit designed to help you understand the process of working with food service management companies to maximize opportunities to incorporate local and regional food into your menus. The toolkit is also applicable to self-operated facilities for use in setting internal goals and contracting with group purchasing organizations or directly with suppliers.

Join other food service folks, institution staff, food system advocates, consultants, technical assistance providers and other local food supporters in learning more about this new toolkit. This webinar is hosted by Farm to Institution New England’s food service project team.

Register Here

Tue, 2016/02/09 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm