2015-16 Board of Directors

The Board has full financial, legal and political responsibility for Food Secure Canada and is accountable to its membership. 

FSC Governance Documentation


2015-16 Board Members (in alphabetical order)


End of Mandate

Elizabeth Abergel QC 2017
Sarah Archibald ON 2016 (ONE-YEAR TEMPORARY SEAT)
Joan Brady ON 2018
Eric Chaurette - Vice-Chair QC 2016
Joseph Leblanc ON 2017
Mary Lou Morgan ON 2018
Susan Roberts - Secretary AB 2018
Wendy Roscoe - Treasurer QC 2018
Utcha Sawyers ON 2016
Aart Schuurman Hess - Chair BC 2016
Lucia Stephen NS 2017
Ryan Turnbull ON 2018


Executive Committee

Aart Schuurman Hess (BC)

Eric Chaurette (QC)

Susan Roberts (AB)

Wendy Roscoe (QB)


Elizabeth Abergel

Knowledge or experience working on food

Elisabeth is professor of sociology, specialized in the field of science and technology studies, at UQÀM. She is fluently bilingual, lives in Montreal, and has a broad and deep knowledge of both the academic and scientific aspects of the food system at the local and international level. She has academic and practical experience in biotechnology/genetic engineering - as a trained molecular biologist who worked in the biotechnology industry (agricultural and pharmaceutical fields) and one who studies the social and political impacts of agricultural biotech and life technologies. Her area of expertise is the use of science in public policy and regulations as well as the impact of technological change on the food system and ecological sustainability in general, as well as civil society mobilization around GMOs and food security.  Her work also focuses on GM contamination, issues of food safety, quality and availability. She is a long-standing anti-GMO activist and sustainable agriculture advocate.

Contribution to FSC

While her main contribution might be in the area of policy, she can also bring people from these networks into our work. She is knowledgeable, thoughtful, and communicates very well with a variety of audiences.


Sarah Archibald

Knowledge or experience working on food

Farming: Apprenticeship (Sackville,NB 2009) WOOFing (Costa Rica,Nicaragua,Italy,Spain,BC, NS,NB,ON,QC).

Studies: B.Sc in Global Food Systems & Ag at McGill, focus on ecological agriculture (studied food systems from lens of economics,anthropology,environment,geography & biology with emphasis on field experience).

Seeds: Worked with USC Canada in Honduras on seed research in 2009, spent 4 months at the Global Crop Diversity Trust in Rome helping finalize their Global Systems Project


  • Coordinated McGill Food Systems Project for 3 yrs

  • Developed Sustainable Seafood Applied Student Research course, leading McGill to become Canada's first Marine Stewardship Council Certified University

  • Founding member of Out of the Garden Project at McGill (helped create a closed food system thru composting+ initiatives)

  • Now supports students doing this kind of work across Canada as coordinator of CFSP

Contribution to FSC

  • Sarah would be keen to help in community building, education and outreach.

  • She would bring with her a vast network of young food activists, young farmers and students interested in food issues from across the country and is keen to act as a youth liaison to the board and promote youth involvement in FSC. Sarah has been the other key leader keeping the youth caucus going in recent months (along with Brynne).

  • She would also support building relationships between FSC and universities for research, events and other initiatives

  • Keen interest in and knowledge of ecological agriculture

  • Would also welcome taking on new roles and gaining new experiences in her time on the Board


David Askew

Knowledge or experience working on food 

Since 2007 David has been CEO of Askew’s Foods, founded by his grandfather in 1929. Askew’s operates 4 supermarkets in the Okanagan-Shuswap and is known for selling local and organic foods. They also use local professionals and suppliers, and purchase as much local goods and services as they can in order to develop and support the local economy. They endeavour to pay fair wages, and offer a comprehensive benefits package for all employees. Askew’s tries to ensure that everyone has access to fresh wholesome food at reasonable prices. They have a wide selection of organic and local foods but do not cater solely to those who are well off. David worked in the business from an early age and in 1974-75 was responsible for producing their own Kurosweet brand of cured meats. David was also active with the Council of Canadians in advocating for labeling GM organisms in the food chain.

Contribution to FSC 

In terms of the contribution David can make, he has considerable experience serving on corporate and volunteer boards. He was President of the University of Toronto Staff Association for eight years and as such a member of the Executive. As President he was able to improve wages, pensions and benefits for the 3600 administrative staff members of the University. He currently sits on the Board of Askew’s Foods and number of other related companies. He is connected with other grocers and Askew’s suppliers and this may enable him to assist in community development and fund raising.
He is a strong advocate of social justice and a reasonable distribution of wealth. He believes that everyone should have the means to eat a healthy diet and would like to assist Food Secure Canada’s effort to achieve this goal.


Joan Brady

Knowledge or experience working on food 

I am a farmer. I have a broad base of production experience in both conventional and organic systems. I currently have a small acreage, and do direct marketing activities with my local production. I have been employed in the farm and food sector, in organizational administration, adult education and in business and community development. I have also managed a farmer owned/operated slaughterhouse in Northern Ontario; I now act as a consultant supporting food systems dev., farm/food business support, strategic planning, community food security and organizational development. I am a member of the NFU and was in the position of National Women's President from 2009-2014 and currently work at the international level as NA Women's representative for Via Campesina and as an Ag. Committee member of the Associated Country Women of the World.

Contribution to FSC 

I welcome the opportunity to contribute to the FSC board. I have a good understanding of policy and am very well versed in Food Sovereignty, having presented on the topic and others provincially, nationally and internationally. I have participated in UN/FAO events including 2014's IYFF and the upcoming CFS in October 2015. I have strong networks within Ontario and Canada. I am a good writer. I am an intentionally facilitative leader and a graduate of the Ontario Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program (2009). I am glad to support the learning and development of others but am also able to step up to the forefront. I am a passionate advocate for the farm and rural community. I work for change to affect a positive future for youth. I understand good governance and effective organizations - I look forward to using my skill set in support of FSC.


Eric Chaurette

Knowledge or experience working on food 

Eric is a co-manager at Inter Pares, an international social justice organization based in Ottawa. Inter Pares, which means "among equals" in Latin, supports people's struggles for peace, justice, and equality overseas and here in Canada. Since 2005, when he joined the organization, Eric has worked to build greater linkages among social movements for systemic change. This includes active involvement and support for the International Ban Terminator campaign; coordinating public forums to raise critical awareness regarding science, technology and development policies, and their impacts on food sovereignty in Canada and in the Global South.

Eric is also a co-founder of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, where he was Chair from 2006 to 2011, and of the People’s Food Policy Project. Before joining Inter Pares, Eric worked in environmental education and community-based conservation in remote communities of Quebec and Labrador, and in Latin America. Eric lives in Gatineau, Quebec with his family.

Contribution to FSC 

As a Board member of Food Secure Canada, Eric would continue to provide his time and energy to furthering the goals of this wonderful organization, helping FSC to continue to grow, to be financially secure, to strengthen its work as a convenor and connector of the food movement, and also as a key voice for turning the Peoples Food Policy from a collective dream into reality. Eric would be pleased to continue to supporting FSC in the areas of governance, fundraising, network and alliance-building (connecting FSC to other social movements in Canada and internationally).


Joseph Leblanc

Knowledge or experience working on food

Dr. Joseph LeBlanc is a life-long Northern Ontarian.  Passionate about social planning, he has extensive expertise in community-based research and development throughout the region.  Before joining the Social Planning Council of Sudbury in 2015, he worked for a diverse range of organizations, including academic institutions, nonprofits, and Aboriginal nonprofit governance corporations. He holds an Honours Bachelor of Environmental Studies in Forest Conservation, an Environmental Management Certificate, and a PhD in Forest Sciences from Lakehead University.

Contribution to FSC

Joseph has been an active member and leader with the Northern and Remote Food Network and Indigenous Circle of FSC over the last 4 years. He is able to support FSC on indigenous issues, policy and community building.


Mary Lou Morgan

Knowledge or experience working on food

For more than 32 years, Mary Lou has experimented with ways to increase access to good, affordable food in a way that empowers and educates individuals. Her career has encompassed working in an organic greenhouse, in a food distribution company, serving on the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission and co-founding The Big Carrot in Toronto. In the last 14 years of her full-time working life, Mary Lou developed and managed the social entrepreneurial programs for FoodShare Toronto, the Good Food Box program, Field to Table Catering, the Toronto Kitchen Incubator, the School Food Program, a community service program for high risk and homeless youth, and an urban agriculture program for those with mental health challenges. Mary Lou continues to work as a consultant working to strengthen the organizations and enterprises that are building regional food systems in Ontario.

Contribution to FSC

I think my social enterprise work at FoodShare, my hands on business and financial knowledge and my work with Carrot Cache Community Resources Inc. (2005-2012) would be useful to Food Secure Canada. In the case of Carrot Cache, profits from real estate fund start-ups, practical projects that focus on organic agriculture, community food strategies and worker cooperatives. There are so many passionate young people who find meaningful work in this complex field. Only by sharing the patterns of growth and success in alternative agriculture will we be able to fix the current food system to ensure there is good food for all. Once the economy recovers and interest rates rise I would like Food Secure Canada to be ready to launch an endowment fund. This would help give financial stability to the organization and ease the constant pressure of securing funding.


Susan Roberts

Knowledge or experience working on food

Susan has worked in Asset-based Community Development and coaching across Canada and the US for the last 20 years. Susan has integrated her work experiences and dietetic training to support Sustainable, Equitable, Local, Regenerative food Systems (S.E.L.R.S.) and food sovereignty in Canada and Alberta. In 2001, as a “real food” advocate, Susan led the formation of the vibrant provincial network, Growing Food Security in Alberta, which now has over 900 members. A non-practicing registered dietitian, Susan is the Board Chair of Alberta Food Matters, through which the GFSA Network now operates. AFM is the only provincial food justice group in Alberta and reaches out to Albertans sharing the message of the real value - of real food for everyone.

Contribution to FSC

Susan is a great community organizer, has insights and experience in Community Building, and many broad food connections across the province and the country. Passionate about real clean food, Susan is a leader with the Universal School Food Strategy for Alberta. Susan, an active FSC member, spearheaded the local team in mounting the Food Secure Canada Assembly in Edmonton in 2012 and was a key animator in gathering Albertans' interest in the Food Secure Canada People's Food Policy Project. Susan will bring passion, exceptional organizing and community-building skills, key connections in the West, and fun to the board.


Wendy Roscoe

Knowledge or experience working on food

I do not have any personal experience working in this area but have many years of experience teaching a university-level accounting course on Non-Profit Organizations and am very familiar with funding, accounting and accountability issues common to many NPOs. I am familiar with the community/poverty studies done by Centraide on Montreal and the surrounding area. A family member is engaged in biological research that includes agricultural production and I have an interest in this issue. I think that food security is a growing issue in our land of “plenty”.

Contribution to FSC

My past involvement with Non-Profit Organizations as a Board member and Treasurer of The Study (an independent girls school) and The Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation has given me extensive knowledge of the governance and accountability issues that growing organizations face and I believe my experience would be helpful to FSC at this time. I have implemented and also taught budgeting and project reporting at several organizations and have extensive experience as an external auditor in this field. As FSC grows, internal financial management and external reporting requirements will increase and need to be properly managed. I can contribute in these areas.


Utcha Sawyers

Knowledge or experience working on food

Utcha Sawyers is a creative, charismatic leader, successfully giving voice and structure to the movement for many groups currently excluded from food organizations and the food movement. As FoodShare’s first Food Justice Manager, Utcha is leading FoodShare to better understand issues of racism that affect first nations, communities of colour and new Canadians. Working with all these diverse communities in Toronto and increasingly across Canada, Utcha is building an Alliance Strategy for a diverse and inclusive Food Justice Movement.

Contribution to FSC

Utcha would advance FSC's food justice agenda. Utcha is also an experienced fundraiser, community builder with a great deal of experience on non-profit boards and also would bring governance and policy development experience to the FSC Board.Utcha sits on many Advisory Boards: Growing Food Justice for All Initiative, Toronto Food Policy Council, Community Based Catering Network, Malvern Revitalization Committee, Scarborough Food Action Network, Migrant Dreams Documentary Initiative and is the FoodShare partnership representative on Black Creek Community Farm, Let's Get Growing, Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief, Intensive Leadership Facilitation Training (Dismantling Racism workshops).


Aart Schuurman Hess

Knowledge or experience working on food 

Aart will bring the voice of a large urban Food Bank open to change.The Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society has recently shifted  its' mission from 'emergency food and related assistance' to 'empowering people to nourish themselves by providing access to healthy food, education and training.' This is a difficult multi- layered shift for a 30 year old urban food bank. It is important for our national teams working on food security issues to understand and include the challenges and successes of how this can and will happen.
Aart also comes with years of experience with airline meal production.

Contribution to FSC 

Policy and governance.


Lucia Stephen 

Knowledge or experience working on food

From her academic experience at Dalhousie University (Honours in Social Anthropology) and the University of California (Centre for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems) and through her involvement and activism with numerous regional and national grassroots initiatives, Lucia has over a decade of experience supporting the vitality and growth of local organic food systems, and finds deep fascination in the fundamental relationship between people and food/plants– as well as from the joys of growing food (and flowers) herself.

Since December 2010, she has worked for the Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network (ACORN) as the Maritime coordinator for the SOIL Apprenticeship program; coordinated the 2011 ACORN Conference and Trade Show in Halifax; and has most recently worked as the co-founder and coordinator for the region's first farm-based, curriculum guided apprenticeship and mentorship program: ACORN's Grow A Farmer Apprenticeship and Mentorship program, which hosts the annual Beginner Farmer Symposium - a regional gathering uniting new and aspiring farmers from across Eastern Canada.

Her primary work and interests lie in finding ways to promote, recruit and support new entrants to agriculture.

Contribution to FSC

She serves on: National Advisory Committee for Young Agrarians, National New Farmer Coalition Advisory Committee, Atlantic Regional Coordinator for the National New Farmer Initiative and Board Member to FarmWorks Investment Cooperative Limited. She is also actively engaged with the planning, promotion, and development of the 2014 FSC National Assembly. She is happy to offer input and engagement with discussions surrounding fundraising, community building, agricultural awareness and more!


Ryan Turnbull

Knowledge or experience working on food

Ryan Turnbull (M.A.), president of Eco-Ethonomics Inc. (www.ecoethonomics.ca), specializes in social enterprise development, collaboration, impact assessment, and policy change. Ryan has led over 70 agri-food sector and sustainable food system projects including: business plans for over 35 food sector social enterprise start-ups; food policy development for 10 municipal/regional governments; community food assessments and environmental scans; sustainability plans for urban and rural agriculture; healthy food initiatives with public health units and healthcare providers; innovative food distribution initiatives, i.e. provincial online route map and food hubs; theory of change and evaluation plan for FSC; 8th National Food Assembly evaluation; and Canadian food funding landscape assessment. Ryan is also a sessional instructor on corporate social responsibility at Ryerson University.

Contribution to FSC

Federal election campaign, looking at ways to significantly increase membership, identifying opportunities for revenue generation, ethical screening and values-based policy related to taking on corporate sponsors, assistance with the next National Food Assembly in Toronto.