AGM 2015 - Convocation and Agenda


Dear Food Secure Canada Members,

We hope that many of you will be able to join us for our Annual General Meeting this year, in Montreal, on Sunday, November 15th from 10:00-12:30.

Agenda for Food Secure Canada Annual General Meeting

Sunday, November 15th 2015, 10:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:30 : Debrief on the Eat Think Vote Election campaign
Location: UQÀM, room Chaufferie
175 President-Kennedy, Montreal

Call to order and introduction

  1. Appointment of minute taker
  2. Notice of meeting
  3. Establishment of quorum
  4. Voting procedure and explanation of consensus
  5. Adoption of Agenda
  6. Adoption of Minutes of AGM of November 16th, 2014
  7. Report from the Chair: Aart Shuurman Hess 
  8. Report from the ED: Diana Bronson
  9. Report from the Treasurer: David Askew
    1. Treasurer’s report
    2. Presentation of Financial Statements for FY Sept 1 2013 to Aug 31 2014
    3. Review of budget for FY Sept 1, 2015 to Aug 31, 2016
    4. Appointment of auditor for FY Sept 1 2015 to Aug 31 2016
  10. Election of new Board of Directors (Nominations committee)
  11. Adjournment of Business meeting

Check out the program online

Diana Bronson
Executive Director
Food Secure Canada