Meetings and Good Food Festival are a Huge Success in Montreal!

FSC’s AGM took place in Montreal on Wednesday, November 27.  Two network meetings, a food festival, and a tightly packed AGM have given us new bylaws, a new Board of Directors, and new wind in the sails of the food movement both locally and nationally.

Annual General Meeting, Policy and Trade Plenaries 

November 27

At Santropol roulant, 111 Roy E. Street, Montreal

9:00- 10:30  Annual General Meeting (simultaneous interpretation available)
This year, our AGM ushered in a new Board of Directors (to replace our current Steering Committee) and new bylaws (to comply with new national laws). 
10:45-12:15  Tackling Tough Policy Conundrums
Effective Advocacy for Food System Change: Challenges at the Federal level
Building on the ongoing work of our netwroks, our two panelists discussed effective advocacy strategies for change at the federal political and bureaucratic levels with FSC members. Recording available shortly.
1:30 - 3:00 - Trade and Food Systems
Scott Sinclair from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and Sophia Murphy, Trudeau Fellow and Senior consultant with Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy reviewed the impacts of international trade, including CETA on our food systems. Recording available shortly.


A Festival of Food Ideas

November 26 6 - 9 pm

A colourful bilingual evening that highlighted some of the amazing food work from across the country!  With food leaders Laure Waridel, Nick Saul, Debbie Field, Isabelle St Germain and many more, focusing not only on what is wrong with the food system, but how we can fix it. Hosted by FSC and partners from Montreal's food movement, at l'Espace Lafontaine, right in the middle of the beautiful Parc Lafontaine. More information.

The Local & Sustainable Food Systems Network Meeting

November 24-27 

This meeting included:

  • A tour of co-operative farm businesses (24th)
  • A Business Bootcamp series (25th - 26th), focusing on financing, business structures and managing operations and growth
  • Plotting policy - reviewing the past year's work and planning the work ahead (26th - 27th)

Children & Food Network Meeting: Raising the Bar on Student Food Programs 

November 26-27

At this meeting, participants developed a work plan and strategy to advance a universal, federally funded student food program in Canada.
For more information, contact Amanda[a]foodsecurecanada[dot]org

Farm to Cafeteria Canada Advisory Committee Meeting

November 24-25

Farm to Cafeteria Canada hosted their 3rd annual Advisory Committee meetings in Montreal on November 24 and 25.
For further information  contact Joanne Bays, National Manager Farm to Cafeteria Canada - farm2cafeteriacanada[at]gmail[dot]com