Nation-wide mobilization around Right to Food

For immediate release.

MONTREAL, 22 February 2013 – As the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food Olivier De Schutter prepares to deliver his report on Canada to the UN Council on Human Rights in Geneva on March 4, dozens of organizations across the country are mobilizing to engage in a dialogue with the UN expert about what needs to be done to respect to right to food in Canada and to take action locally and nationally. The list of events is rapidly growing and stretches from coast to coast to coast, including small towns and large cities in all provinces and territories.

Food Secure Canada is organizing the cross-Canada initiative in response to the overwhelming interest expressed by its members when the Special Rapporteur came to Canada last year.  Food Secure Canada has called upon the government to take the rapporteur’s recommendations seriously.

“Food is a human right that belongs to every one of us,” said Diana Bronson, Executive Director of Food Secure Canada. “Yet we know that more than 12% of Canadians – indigenous peoples, people in Northern and remote communities, those on social assistance and the working poor -- amongst others –experience some form of food insecurity. This is an urgent, national problem that can and must be addressed.”

The national web-based Conversation between the Special rapporteur and civil society groups across the country will take place at noon (EST) on March 4 in English and March 5 in French.  Communities are gathering in food banks, universities, offices, town halls and other places to participate in the event.  The rapporteur will present his report, followed by a period of questions and comments from the audience, and most community events will then host a local discussion around what can be done to improve respect for food in their communities.

Follow us on Twitter @foodsecureCAN #Right2FoodCAN


To contact Food Secure Canada:  Diana Bronson, Executive Director, at 514 271-7352 or cell 514 629 9236 or

To find out about local events, please consult this list. Most events are open to the media and the public but please check precise arrangements with local organizers.

Food Secure Canada is a national membership-based organization concerned with zero hunger, safe and healthy food and sustainable food systems. Its basic platform is explained in Resetting the Table: A People’s Food Policy for Canada.



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