Webinar: Introduction to the Canadian Organic Standards PART 3 - Organic Processing and Labelling

Hosted by ACORN


Understanding the Canadian Organic Standards (COS) is a requirement of organic certification. These standards are currently under review, so this is a good opportunity to learn about it and include your voice in the review process. ACORN will present experts from across Canada for an introductory overview of the Canadian Organic Standards.

Webinar Part 1 - Organic Crop Production
Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015, 8pm AST with Rochelle Eisen B.Sc.(agr), P.Ag - Resilient Solutions Consulting.
This webinar will outline the difference between the Organic Products Regulation and the Canadian Organic Standards as well as overview transition requirements and explain the connection between the Canadian Organic Standard and the Permitted Substances List. Learn more about the crop production sections of the standards in regards to land requirements, environmental factors, seed and planting stock, soil fertility and pest and disease management.http://www.acornorganic.org

Webinar Part 2 - Organic Livestock
Tuesday, February 10th, 2015, 8pm AST with Anne Macey, co-author of COG's Organic Livestock Handbook
An overview of the livestock production sections of the standards, focusing on information regarding livestock origin, feed, health care, and living conditions. For more information or to RSVP please contact Tara Scott - ACORN's Organic Transition Coordinator transition@acornorganic.org. http://www.acornorganic.org

Webinar Part 3 - Organic Processing and Labelling
Tuesday, February 17th, 2105, with Kelly Monaghan - Ash Street Organics
This session will provide an overview of the organic processing sections of the Canadian Organic Standards. Gain a better understanding about what the standards say about maintaining organic integrity, organic percentages, organic processing methods and processing aids. For more information or to RSVP please contact Tara Scott - ACORN's Organic Transition Coordinator transition@acornorganic.org. http://www.acornorganic.org


Webinar date: 
Tuesday, February 17, 2015 - 7:00pm