Tasting Food Democracy: A Community Conversation
For immediate release
TORONTO, 5 April 2013 – On Monday April 8 from 5 to 7 pm EDT, a coalition of organizations concerned with the future of food will discuss the development of a national food policy for Canada. The event will take place at CSI Regent Park, 585 Dundas Street East and is co-sponsored by Food Secure Canada, the Toronto Food Policy Council, the Toronto Youth Food Policy Council, Sustain Ontario, FoodShare Toronto, and the Centre for Social Innovation.
The live streamed event (link active on April 8), Tasting Food Democracy: A People’s Food Policy for Canada, will precede the 2nd Annual Food Summit of the Conference Board of Canada, April 9-10 in Toronto. This Summit is part of the Conference Board’s larger goal of developing a Canadian Food Strategy, a process that has been criticized for industry bias.
“Canadians across the country have already developed a vision of a national food policy in Food Secure Canada’s Resetting the Table: A People's Food Policy for Canada, the product of 3 years of consultation of over 3,500 Canadians,” says Diana Bronson, Executive Director of Food Secure Canada. Several ideas on how Canada should move forward to make our food system more healthy, fair and ecological were laid out in a background paper Food Democracy and Governance. These ideas are completely different from the Conference Board initiative.
The event is free and open to the public.
To contact Food Secure Canada: Diana Bronson, Executive Director, at 514 271-7352 or cell 514 629 9236 or diana[at]foodsecurecanada[dot]org.
Food Secure Canada is a national membership-based organization concerned with zero hunger, safe and healthy food and sustainable food systems. Its basic platform is explained in Resetting the Table: A People’s Food Policy for Canada.
Follow us on Twitter @foodsecureCAN and join the conversation by using #CANTalkFood.
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