FSC Newsletters

Bits and Bytes | News from the Food Movement - May 2016

We are pleased to announce the opening of Early Bird Registration for Resetting the Table, Food Secure Canada’s 9th Assembly with an appetizing preliminary program! But the Assembly is not the only event on the menu. We also invite you to participate in a food sovereignty discussion at the World Social Forum in Montreal this August 2016. In this newsletter you’ll find links to hot topics of agriculture policy consultations, GM campaigns, climate change and food waste… some of the key issues that need to be addressed with national food policies that will support a healthy, just and sustainable food system.


Bits and Bytes | News from the Food Movement - April 2016

There has been lots of work over the last couple of months thinking about how we can develop a public engagement process for the announced national food policy and how we can weave these issues into our upcoming national Assembly. How can we ensure that a diversity of voices will be heard, and that we use all the available policy leavers to ensure that our food system is more equitable, more healthy and more sustainable? Food security levels remain unacceptably high, despite some promising developments on the basic income file, as show by the most recent PROOF report. The question of overuse of antibiotics in our meat supply show very clearly how health issues need to be dealt with in concert with agricultural debates in any food policy discussion. We are looking for a more holistic approach to food and in the coming months you will have many opportunities to be involved. Why not share this newsletter with a friend and get more people involved in the food movement? Stay tuned!


Bits and Bytes | News from the Food Movement - March 2016

MP’s and Ministers joined Food Secure Canada and the Coalition for Healthy School Food for a Great Big Crunch on parliament hill, along with 200,000 children across Canada who bit into apples in unison to celebrate healthy eating and Nutrition Month March 2016. As well, we echo the call by the Senate’s report Obesity in Canada for an immediate overhaul of Canada’s Food Guide and advocate that healthy food be redefined beyond its nutritional qualities including being derived from socially and environmentally sustainable food systems.


Bits and Bytes | News from the Food Movement - February 2016

Food Secure Canada Board and staff were in a strategic planning retreat this weekend when we received the very sad news that our founder, volunteer chair for many years and movement mother, Cathleen Kneen, had died at her home in Ottawa. Cathleen began a journey that we are still all on. She empowered new leadership, told people they could do it and made it all so much fun. Food Secure Canada could not exist in its current state without her nurturing our community, the foundation she laid, the relationships she wove among the people and networks who are at the heart of the food movement. While we celebrate her life and share her accomplishments, we recommit ourselves to Resetting the Table - both the values and vision laid out in the People's Food Policy which she spearheaded, and the Assembly next October in Toronto, where we shall put it into practice and work together to revamp national food policy. 


Bits and Bytes | News from the Food Movement - January 2016

As the costs of fruits and vegetables look to increase dramatically during 2016 which will impact healthy eating for all Canadians, Food Secure Canada and its partners are calling for a coordinated approach by government ministries. FSC has reached out to Minister of Agriculture, Lawrence MacAulay about the opportunities for national food policy and to the Minister of Health, and Jane Philpott on the need to address unhealthy diets. We are bringing the voice of the food movement to the policy table to ensure that all Canadians have access to healthy, just and sustainable food. With you help we have the ingredients we need for a better food system. Let's stir up a new recipe: better food for all!


Bits and Bytes | News from the Food Movement - November 2015


Food Secure Canada has been advocating a national food policy along the lines of Resetting the Table for four years and so we are very excited that this is now officially on the agenda of the Government of Canada. There is a renewed sense of possibility for food system reform and the new federal government appears to be eager to collaborate with a variety of stakeholders including civil society groups. Most significantly, Prime Minister Trudeau has instructed Minister of Agriculture Lawrence MacAulay to “develop a national food policy that promotes healthy living and safe food by putting more healthy, high quality food, produced by Canadian ranchers and farmers, on the tables of families”. We are ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work! More details below.


Bits and Bytes | News from the Food Movement - October 2015

In this newsletter >> The long anticipated federal election is just around the corner: its time for a final push for signatures for the Eat Think Vote campaign (sign and share the petition). On the election trail the food movement mobilized as never before and we have raised the profile of food insecurity across Canada and in Northern communities, the need for healthy school food and the lack of supports for new farmers, with candidates and voters alike. Four of the main political parties responded to the Eat Think Vote survey that they are in favour of national food policy. Together we have done great things, and today we need your support to build on this momentum to create a just, sustainable food system in Canada. 


Bits and Bytes | News from the Food Movement - September 2015

In this newsletter >> The Eat Think Vote campaign continues to build momentum – we’ve set a goal of 10,000 petition signatures to bring to Ottawa, our key food issues have been in the news, dozens of ETV events are planned across the country, and there are campaign focused webinars upcoming too. Read on for details and please mark the FSC AGM and Food Policy Forum in your calendar, Sunday November 15 in Montreal.



In this newsletter >> A recent poll show that food prices as a major election issue for 40% of Canadians and the Eat Think Vote campaign is gearing up on food policy, basic income and child poverty issues with our partners. We also have some staff news and information on research funding opportunities. Enjoy your summer reading and don't forget to sign and share our petition!
