Proceedings of 2nd Annual Meeting, Local & Sustainable Food Systems Network

From November 24th - 27th, 2013, members of the Network converged in Montreal from across Canada to participate in 4 days of events focused on learning for and networking amongst the participants.  From farm tours to social finance, from new markets for “trash fish” to enhanced business skills, from policy training and plotting, Network members were exposed to and engaged in a broad ranging set of presentations and discussions. The first day and a half focused on the Food Business Bootcamp and then the meeting shifted into policy, information exchange and networking. New connections were made, priorities were identified for the next year, both collectively and individually, and many left feeling energized and hopeful for the tasks ahead.

Annual Meeting Schedule of events and session details.

Bootcamp materials:

Network Session materials:

  • Social Finance: learning from Québec's FIRA and the Chantier de l'économie sociale, with Nancy Neamtan, Paul Lecomte, Melanie Sommerville and Christie Young. The session, hosted by Christie Young of FarmStart, with Melanie Sommerville as interviewer, was a dialogue that dove deeply into the realm of social finance, uncovering the mechanics, policy and vision behind two pioneering initiatives in Quebec that have unlocked access to finance in support of new farmers and other social and cultural enterprises. The session was in french and english. Watch the - Video.

Policy knowledge mobilization:

  • Plotting Policy session: Following presentations on five areas of food systems work, break out groups formed around each topic to further the discussion and plot the work ahead. Topic areas were: Seeds, Municipal food policy, Provinvial food policy, Fisheries, and Food Banks. Watch the video.  Read the report from the Fisheries group.
  • Tackling tough policy conundrums: Libby Davies, a seasoned Member of Parliament (MP for Vancouver East) and Rod MacRae, a respected academic (York University Faculty of Environmental Studies) share their thoughts about how Food Secure Canada can more effectively advocate on behalf of its members. Watch the video.
  • Brief prepared by Stuart Clark with help from Sophia Murphy, entitled "Food in Canada - EU Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement in Principle" can be downloaded here.



Great summaries on the website! Our intern, Caitlin Bragg, was thrilled to participate... Curious the follow up for the 5 break out groups, and what next steps are in this work? OCO has an interest in particular in Provincial Food Policy and Seeds, and would like to know how to engage in these conversations of this WG...

I am so excited tohear about the event you guys are planning that is from farm tours to social finance, from new markets for “trash fish” to enhanced business skills, from policy training and plotting. This would be really exploring teh food sector business and can help us to have a better picture. face mask

I've read all your post and It's really amazing , I can say. Keep it up and I will follow every single one of them :)

Recently I have come across this website and here it discusses the read more details regarding the proceedings of the second annual meeting, that provides details of the local and sustainable food systems network. I am eagerly waiting for the meetings to get more details on that.